The Sprout Queen fresh sprouts

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Southwest Florida's source for organic sprouts, sunflower greens, and wheatgrass      

Why Sprout?

Alfalfa, Broccoli, Clover, Fenugreek, and Radish Sprouts
  • Sprouting can be done in any climate at any time of the year.
  • You can sprout in a house, a tent, a boat - anywhere you have access to fresh water.
  • For virtually pennies, you can add multiple times the nutrition compared to the same sized serving of cooked vegetables.  I've had one (1) teaspoon of dry broccoli seed give me just over 3 ounces or almost 2 cups of sprouts.
  • Sprouts can be eaten within a week of soaking seed.  Think how long it takes to grow a vegetable!
  • Sprouts are living plants therefore have an alkalizing affect on the body.  How many of you have been told you are too acidic?
  • Sprouts, being a raw super food, contain an abundance of oxygen, an element the majority of the population is lacking in their bloodstream!  Did you know cancer cells can't survive in the presence of oxygen?
  • Sprouts are packed with vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, protein (plant based, of course), enzymes, and phytochemicals.  How many foods do you know have all this in one simple serving?
  • Do I need to go on?  Isn't it time you started eating more sprouts? Better yet, growing them yourself?

Sprout Nutrition

The nutritional information below is for the items I offer fresh for immediate consumption or as seed for you to sprout/grow yourself.  It has been acquired from many reputable resources such as studies published by the American Cancer Society, Johns Hopkins University, and Australia's Isabell Shipard's book "How can I grow and use Sprouts as living food?" just to name a few.

A Pine Island Botanicals, Inc Partnership
© 2010 - 2011 Sprout Queen LLC
Web Design by CML